Lesotho - Youth

As I write the sun is beginning to set and, as usual at this time, the herd boys are bringing the cattle home. I can see the cattle trudging home single file along the path just outside my window; their enormous cow bells sounding deep & melodious. The herd boys, wearing  their traditional Basotho blankets & carrying their herd sticks, are silhouetted against the sky. Within a short time the temp will drop into the 30's & the Abuti (young men) will be eating their enormous ration of papa (thick polenta) & side dish of moroho (chopped steamed chard). If they are lucky there will be linaoa (beans) on the plate as well. 

It is a rough life for the young fellows as they are often pulled from school to tend the herds. So many children are leading the family as parents die from AIDS related illness much too early. 

We 18 trainees had a field trip to Mafeteng Camp Town (about 1 hr 45 min away) to visit both a district HIV testing center & Lesotho Planned Parenthood. We learned about the heroic effort both organizations are doing to reach out to individuals & communities to promote HIV testing & reproductive health, provide support to those with or impacted by HIV, & to help move a people toward a more open & stigma free acknowledgment of this disease. 

Young volunteers are an essential & active part of these efforts. So many are incredibly motivated to be part of this movement to save their generation & bend the curve downward to reduce the prevalence of HIV from its current state of 23% of the population. 

These field trips to local health organizations, hospitals, clinics, & HIV/AIDS treatment centers; as well as the daily Peace Corps classes, are giving us tremendous insight into the work that is being done in  Lesotho. We also learn how significant a role the United States (government, NGO, & private organizations) plays in providing financial aid & resources.  PEPFAR (President's Emergency Fund for AIDS Relief),  Center for Disease Control, Baylor College of Medicine, Planned Parenthood Intl & contributions to the UN's Millennium Development Goals are some examples. 

- Herd Boys homeward bound 
- Local community outpatient clinic; Millennium funding
- Youth volunteers, Lesotho Planned Parenthood